This data type is a C union object, and is declared in the first section of a yacc file using a% union declaration. 这个数据类型是一个Cunion对象,在yacc文件的第一部分使用%union声明来定义。
This is a Scala singleton because it uses the object declaration instead of a class declaration. 这是一个Scala单例(singleton),因为它使用对象声明,而不是类声明。
The object is reinitialized each time its declaration is reached, so it's safe with functions ( such as some versions of select) that may modify the corresponding object. 每一次运行到对象的声明时它会被初始化,所以使用可能会修改相应对象的函数(比如一些版本的select)时这样做是安全的。
The Flex and OpenLaszlo frameworks implement their own declarative XML-based object declaration language. Flex和OpenLaszlo框架实现其自己的基于XML的对象声明语言。
The constructor instantiates the COM object using the CLSID as specified in the coclass declaration in the type library. 构造器用类型库辅助类的声明中定义的CLSID来实例化COM对象。
In JavaFX Script, an object's attributes are defined within their declaration. 在JavaFXScript中,对象的属性是在声明中定义的。
Method type body is defined without member function declared for creating object type. You need to define member function declaration. 定义了方法类型正文,但没有声明用于创建对象类型的成员函数。请定义成员函数声明。
As to the object of action of nullity, it can be interpreted with the theory of contentious declaration involved in new theory of object of action. 婚姻无效之诉的诉讼标的,则可援用新诉讼标的理论中诉的声明说予以解释;
Thirdly explores the object of the Customs Broking& the behavior of the declaration. 然后对报关代理的客体――报关行为的四个环节:申报、查验、缴纳税费、提取或装运货物进行了介绍和分析。